ALL kayanya gw libur pico dulu :(
Pulsa internet abis, sama pengen nabung dan nyelesain tugas2 laen yang ketunda ah maaf ya kalo lama ga ol nanti.
Looks like I have to take a holiday in pico, so I won't play it for a little while to do anything that haven't done before, so keep reading my blog, cause sometimes maybe I will update this again but it won't about my pico life hahahaha sorry for the waiting, but be patience okay, I will give you all my lovely reader a good posts when I'm on pico again. THANK YOU VERY MUCH ^^
My Magic Cat
*T*here was a girl. She was walking down the street from school to home.
Then she saw a box named "caution". the weird thing about it is that it
made stra...
5 tahun yang lalu
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