Good Evenin' Everyone!!!! (It's evening her, so don't complain)
WTF???!! Who uploaded this picture?
Oh it's me, sorry sorry I kinda forget XD
This is my pico when it is created for the very first time. And his name is just RenDROID. Cute isn't it? XP
Okay, let's jump to the second picture
This is [PSF] RenDROID. I have through a lot of tests, obstacles, enemies, and I already have a lot of experiences here, so I can LEVEL UP!! (?) The [PSF] in my name reffers to my clan. Yeah, in pico we have clan to, not just in real world or another online game or whatever you call. Look, I already a black glasses, yellow headphone, and SWORD (OMG, I swear I'm not an assassin even that's my dream LOL). And we have some Kungfu here hahahaha.
This is still me. And I have more power and experiences now!!! Hahahaha (Note : In Ameba Pico, we don't have anything called "Power" or "Experiences" or any stats and we don't even fight other pico here!)
By the way, I have been a dedicated ninja now. Hahaha look at my face, scary isn't it? (I still think this is more cute and less scary) The only part I like is the mouth, it shows a cannine (just one).
Hmmm... I think the last transformation is my Profile Picture, just look on that side >>>>>>>
My Magic Cat
*T*here was a girl. She was walking down the street from school to home.
Then she saw a box named "caution". the weird thing about it is that it
made stra...
5 tahun yang lalu
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